Research and Development
1) SRIIT Banmore extends heartfelt congratulations to, Prof.Abhinav Vidwans, Prof.Alankar Shastri Musalgaonkar ,Prof. Kumud Dixit ,Prof. Sandeep Sharma from the Department of Computer Science and engineering, on the momentous occasion of the launch of his first edition book, “Fundamental of Data Structures”. The ceremony was graced by the esteemed presence of Honorable Management, SRGOC who officially launched the book.

2) Prof. Abhinav Vidwans celebrates the grant of an Indian Patent for his innovative creation: ‘Artificial Intelligence Enabled Smart Technological device for classroom teaching’. Congratulations on this remarkable achievement.

3) SRIIT Banmore proudly congratulates Prof. Dr. Pavan Agarwal, Prof. Abhinav Vidwans, and Prof. Alankar Shastri Musalgaonkar of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering on the momentous launch of their first edition book, 'Hands on IoT and Application.' The ceremony, graced by the esteemed presence of the Honorable Management, SRGOC, marked a milestone in academic excellence.

4) Congratulations to Dr. Pankaj Sharma,Prof. Aditi Bhardwaj ,Prof. Kumud Dixit and Prof. Urvashi Dubey for Patent Grant on “Smart System for real time monitoring and Dispensing of Pharmaceuticals” on 11th july 2024.

5) SRIIT Banmore extends heartfelt congratulations to ,Prof.Abhinav Vidwans, Prof. Raju Sharma(IPS) ,Prof. Kumud Dixit ,Prof. Urvashi Dubey from the Department of Computer Science and engineering, on the momentous occasion of the launch of his first edition book, “Operating System”.

1) A one day Workshop on FLUTTER -

Event Details
Speaker:- Mr. Regendra Suman
Sr. APP Developer,Ubitech Solutions
Date:- 26/10/2023, Thursday
Time:- 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Venue:- Smart Room SRIIT, Banmore
Total No. of audience 70-80 (Student of B.Tech)
Glimpses of Workshop

An Expert session on New Technology Flutter was organized by Department of CSE & AIDSE SRIIT for the students of Engineering . The keynote speaker Mr. Regendra Suman (Subject matter Expert)along with Mr Parth Bhansali, Ms Somya Batham from Ubitech Solutions shared their ideas, experience & expertise. He explained the concept of Flutter and its advantages in Industries.
At the end a question and answer sound was held where Mr. Regendra Suman commendably handled all the queries.
Around 100 students benefitted from the session. Prof. Abhinav Vidwans Co-Ordinated the session
On this occasion, Dr. Abhinav Vidwans, , Prof. Ajay Shivhare, Prof. Manish Nigam, Prof. Kumud Dixit, Prof. Urvashi Dubey Prof. Sandeep Sharma.
Prof. Abhinav Vidwans introduced the speaker and also gave the vote of thanks.
Prof. Abhinav Vidwans
2) Workshop on How to face exam fear –

Event Details
Speaker:- Prof. Abhinav Vidwans
Subject matter expert, SRIIT,Gwalior
Date:- 11/12/2023, Friday
Time:- 03:00 PM
Venue:- Smart room SRIIT, Banmore
Total No. of audience 100 (Student of B.Tech 1st year)
Glimpses of Workshop

An Expert session on “How to Face an Exam fear” was organized by SRIIT for the students of B.Tech 1st year.The keynote speaker Prof. Abhinav Vidwans, HOD of CSE department shared his ideas, tricks to face examination fear. He has motivated all the first year students to face any kind of fear in their life.
At the end a question and answer sound was held where Prof. Abhinav Vidwans commendably handled all the queries.
Around 100 students benefitted from the session.
On this occasion Dr. Alka Pradhan, Prof. Maniram Rawat, Prof. Ajay Shivhare, Prof. Manish Nigam, Prof. Kumud Dixit, Prof. Urvashi Dubey.
Prof. Abhinav Vidwans
3) Inauguration Techno-traits Club of CSE/AIDSE students -

Event Details
Speaker: Prof. Abhinav Vidwans
Subject: Inauguration of Techno-traits Club of CSE/AIDSE students
Date:- 13/12/2023, Wednesday
Time:- 03:00 PM
Venue:- Smart Room SRIIT, Banmore
Total No. of audience 100 (Student of B.Tech(CSE/AIDSE))
Glimpses of Workshop

A technical club ”Techno-traits” of CSE/AIDSE students was inaugurated by CSE/AIDSE Department. The main motive of inaugurating this club to motivate students to learn managerial techniques along with technical skills.
Around 100 students joined this inauguration ceremony.
On this occasion Dr. Rakesh Singh Rajpoot, Dr. Alka Pradhan, Dr. Abhinav Vidwans, Prof. Sudhir Singh Rana, Prof. Maniram Rawat, Prof. Ajay Shivhare, Prof. Manish Nigam, Prof. Kumud Dixit, Prof. Urvashi Dubey,Prof. Aditi Bhardwaj .Prof. Abhinav Vidwans introduced the speaker and also gave the vote of thanks.
4) Expert Talk on “Digital Twin” -

Event Details
Speaker:- Mr. Petr Jirku,
Subject matter expert, Czech Republic
Date:- 19/01/2024, Friday
Time:- 11:00 AM to 12:00 noon
Venue:- Smart room SRIIT, Banmore
Total No. of audience 70 (Student of B.Tech,MBA,BBA,
Glimpses of Workshop

An Expert session on Digital Twin was organized by SRIIT for the students of Engineering and Management. The keynote speaker Mr. Petr Jirku (Subject matter Expert), Czech Republic shared his ideas, experience & expertise. He explained the concept of digital twin advantages as well as its usage in Industries. Mr. Petr focused the real world problem and it's solution using simulation tool "Sim talk"
At the end a question and answer sound was held where Mr.Petr Jirku commendably handled all the queries.
Around 100 students benefitted from the session. Prof. Alka Chaturvedi Co-Ordinated the session On this occasion Dr. Rakesh Singh Rajpoot, Dr. Alka Pradhan, Dr. Abhinav Vidwans, Prof. Sudhir Singh Rana, Prof. Maniram Rawat, Prof. Ajay Shivhare, Prof. Manish Nigam, Prof. Kumud Dixit, Prof. Urvashi Dubey.Prof. Alka Chaturvedi introduced the speaker and also gave the vote of thanks.
Prof. Sandeep Sharma
Assistant Professor,CSE
5) Workshop On Power BI -

Event Details
Speaker:- Mr. Dheeraj Gupta
Affy Informatics Pvt. Ltd.
Date:- 23-25 Jan
Time:- 11:00 AM to 12:00 noon
Venue:-Central Lab SRIIT, Banmore
Total No. of audience 50(Student of B.Tech CS/AIDS)
Glimpses of Workshop

6) Workshop on DSA using C++ -

Event Details
Speaker: - Mr. Kunal Goyal
Senior Trainer at Coding Thinker Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal
Date:- 12/02/2024-16/02/2024
Time:- 11:30 AM to 02:30 Noon
Venue:- Smart room SRIIT, Banmore
Central Lab SRIIT, Banmore
Total No. of audience 25 (Students of B.Tech, IIIrd year)
Glimpses of Workshop

A Workshop on Data Structure was organized by CSE dept. of SRIIT for the students of B.Tech (IIIrd year). Mr. Kunal Goyal (Senior Trainer from Coding Thinker Pvt. Ltd) has given a five days training to the students on Data Structure & Algorithm using C++. He explained various important topics related to Data Structure with the practical implementation on C++.
Throughout the workshop Mr. Kunal Goyal has commendably handled all the queries of the students.
Around 25 students benefitted from this Five days workshop.Prof. Kumud Dixit Co-Ordinated the workshop.
On the occasion of an inauguration of this Five days workshop Prof. Abhinav Vidwans introduced the trainer .Prof. Abhinav Vidwans, Prof. Ajay Shivhare, Prof. Kumud Dixit, Prof. Sandeep Sharma has attended the session.
Prof. Kumud Dixit
7)Expert Talk on “Chat-GPT” -

Event Details
Speaker:- Mr. Petr Jirku
Subject matter expert, Czech Republic
Date:- 16/02/2024, Friday
Time:- 03:00 PM
Venue:- Smart room SRIIT, Banmore
Total No. of audience 100 (Student of B.Tech,BBA,B.Com)
Glimpses of Workshop

An Expert session on Chat Gpt was organized by SRIIT for the students of Engineering and Management. The keynote speaker Mr. Petr Jirku (Subject matter Expert), Czech Republic shared his ideas, experience & expertise. He explained the new technology Chat Gpt as well as its usage in Industries. Mr. Petr focused the real world problem and it's solution using simulation tool “Chat Gpt”.
At the end a question and answer sound was held where Mr.Petr Jirku commendably handled all the queries.
Around 100 students benefitted from the session. Prof. Abhinav Vidwans Co-Ordinated the session.
On this occasion Dr. Abhinav Vidwans, Prof. Sudhir Singh Rana, Prof. Maniram Rawat, Prof. Ajay Shivhare, Prof. Kumud Dixit, Prof. Urvashi Dubey. Prof. Alka Chaturvedi introduced the speaker and also gave the vote of thanks.
Prof. Ajay Shivhare
Assistant Professor,CSE
8) Workshop on “Software testing” -

Event Details
Speaker:- Akhil Kukreja,Testing Engineer,Edu Eyrie India
Date:- 13/03/2024
Time:- 011:00 AM-01:00 PM
Venue:- Smart room SRIIT, Banmore
Total No. of audience 80 (Student of B.Tech(CSE/AIDSE))
9) One day Workshop on “IPR” By MPCST -

Event Details
Speaker:- Dr. Ashish Singhal
Vice chair SAC IEEE MP Section
Speaker:- Prof. Pooja Kumar
Startup facilitator, Registered Patent Agent
Date:- 14/03/2024
Time:- 10:30 AM Onwards
Venue:- Smart Room SRIIT, Banmore
Total No. of audience 80 (Student of B.Tech(CSE/AIDSE))
Glimpses of Workshop

10) One day workshop on “Introduction to Application Programming Interfaces” -

Event Details
Speaker:- Miracle IT Career Academy
Date:- 24/04/2024
Time:- 01:00 PM Onwards
Venue:- Smart room SRIIT, Banmore
Total No. of audience 80 (Student of B.Tech(CSE/AIDSE))
Glimpses of Workshop

11) B.Tech CSE students Master Computer Assembly Training under the expert guidance of Mr. Laxmikant Sharma on 17th may 2024 -

12) Hands-on computer assembly training session by Mr. Ajay Shivhare at SRIIT's Hardware Lab on May 24,2024 -

13 Days Training Program on Advanced Web Designing starting from 22nd July to 8th august 2024 at Central Lab, SRIIT -