B.Tech (EC) - Labs & Facilities

Labs & Facilities

Electronic Devices Lab:

Electronic devices are components for controlling the flow of electrical currents for the purpose of information processing and system control

Electronics Hardware Lab:

Electronics laboratory is used for examining operating principles of the electronic devices and obtaining the characteristics of electronic circuit components. Design and practical applications of power supplies, amplifiers, oscillators and various digital electronic circuits are studied.

Signal and Systems Lab:

Signals & Systems is the study of how to effectively send and process information. Information can be sent as 0s and 1s on an electrical device, or it can be sent through the air as an electromagnetic wave, like radiowaves or microwaves.

Analog Circuit Lab:

Analog circuits are made of basic components like resistors, capacitors, diodes, inductors, transistors and operational amplifiers. However, today's analog circuits design may involve the use of microcontroller or other intelligent, active components.

EMI Lab:

An electronic instrument is the one which is based on electronic or electrical principles for its measurement function. The measurement of any electronic or electrical quantity or variable is termed as an electronic measurement

Robotics Lab:

Robotics lab has been planned to expose the students to the general functioning of a robot. Students will be trained on few general robots and they will be allowed to implement their skills learned in other labs such as AI and control lab to design special purpose robots

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engg. Lab:

The objective of Basic electrical laboratory is to learn the different basic and fundamental laws of electrical engineering along with practical experience with operation and applications of electromechanical energy conversion devices.

Antenna and Microwave Lab:

The Microwave Laboratory is a group of world-class test facilities designed to support space activities in the fields of Radio Frequency Testing, Precision Time & Frequency, Radio Frequency Life Tests and General Purpose RF Microwave testing. To enable the student to understand the basic principles in antenna and microwave system design.

Microcontroller and Embedded System Lab:

A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific operation in an embedded system. A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory and input/output (I/O) peripherals on a single chip.